With the launch of the new Fruity Flavored 266MHz iMac's (Grape, Blueberry, Strawberry, Tangerine and Lime.) my wife "who disliked the colour of the Bondi Blue iMac" has gone potty over the Grape Flavored iMac, not that I minded though as the thought the Original was great, however my wife has taken this to extreme, as her favorite colour is purple, so Grape iMac was a must have for her.
However the only problem is that my wife gave birth to our first son not too long ago and coupled with the fact that I am still paying off a loan that I took out for our first Mac means we are a little short of cash. So she is trying to sell everything to raise enough money to get one. She even toyed with the idea of selling the car for a bit of instant cash, but after calming her down with a hot cup of tea she realised that this was not the best course of action as losing the only form of transport we have could lead to problems in itself .
Needless to say my trusty Performa 5320 has been put up for sale, along with several software packages, my leather jacket, and our son's car seat. All of which don't need to be sold but the need for cash has driven her crazy. I must admit though that I was very keen on getting a New iMac, but had dismissed the idea a few months ago when I thought that trying to persuade my wife would be impossible.
Anyway to this end we thought we would take a quick look in PC World as we were passing "as you do" not really thinking that they would have any, knowing how PC World are so Mac intolerant. But to our surprise and shock they had some, all five colours and the Bondi blue Original, we were taken back with surprise until we noticed that only one Original 233MHz iMac that was turned on, none of the others were even plugged in. "I mean come on PC World what kind of advertising is that, every PC in the entire shop was on and running all kinds of demos. We will probably still buy our iMac there if and when we get the money, but that is only because we are Mac addicts and are to impatient to wait for a mail order to arrive.